Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Photo by Julie.  More photos from this shoot coming soon!

Happy third anniversary, my love! You are ultimately handsome. And also, you profusely shower me with love every single day. Thanks for always being the one who takes the trash out, and the one who grills. And the one who lights fires in the fireplace. I just can't do it. I'm so excited to see you at the end of each day. We've been so blessed with experiences and opportunities. I love that we've had three whole years to get to know each other, form a solid marriage, and get our feet planted before we bring any littles into the world. Since we got married, we've bought a condo, you finished school and got a job, and we've traveled to awesome places like Belize, Honduras, Mexico, Georgia, North and South Carolina. You don't like mushrooms or olives, and I love them. I don't like taking out the trash, and you do it for me. You're logical and thoughtful, and I'm creative and spontaneous. We're perfect for each other. Love you, Boo. 

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