Friday, September 14, 2012

Birthday Wishes: Granted

Remember my birthday a few weeks ago? I posted this wishlist collage in the hopes that my husband might get a clue and use it as a tight guideline. He did. A little bird named Conrad told a friend to get me the phone cover, and Conrad bought me the design book I wanted. Excuse the sweats, pillows, and swollen glands. I wasn't feeling well when I wrote this post. 

Then, totally unprompted, a friend decided to give me the neon and nude purse that I had put on my wishlist! I was lusting after this purse for months, and she knew, and was SO generous to give it to me!

Take it from me, girls. Wishlists work. A little bird also told me there may be a Kitchenaid under the Christmas tree this year.

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