Let me start by saying that when you see a handsome man playing with a beautiful baby, and he has a glowing smile on his face, you can't help but want to reproduce with him. I mean, just look at that picture.
Anyway, you can view the other parts to the Pregnancy Story here:
On with the update. Did you guys know that there are supposedly some things you can do to influence the gender of your baby? Conrad and I did some reading and learned a little bit about it.
Previously in my marriage when I peed on a stick and it only showed me one line it was a good thing. Lately, I've been more anxious to see two lines, even if it's just on an ovulation test. I tracked ovulation and got my first ever positive test! My heart was beating so fast when that little pink line showed up. Scared and excited all at once!
Now all I have to do is wait about 2 weeks and see if anything... you know. Stuck. Literally. (Haha! Get it?! zygotes "stick" to the uterus!) I'm so anxious. We want to get pregnant, but I also love our life. I love that we don't have anyone else we have to pay attention to. I'm sure it will all change.
Now, I want to address a comment that was made on Part 2 of the Pregnancy Story, posted by an Anonymous user.
"I really do think you need to chill out a bit. I am a new follower and from what I have seen, you have been trying what, a month or two? That is ridiculous. You shouldn't even be worrying at all. Lots of people try for months and months, sometimes years before getting pregnant, or not getting pregnant at all! For some people, it takes days for your body to get back to normal after being on the people, for others it takes months. I really think you need to do your research. I like the idea of posting all of this on your blog, but I am trying to give you a new perspective here before you get negative or sad. Just a thought..."
I responded to this user (you can read the response at that post), but I also want to say something to everyone who might misunderstand the purpose of the Pregnancy Story series. This series is not to evoke sympathy from readers. It is to document the journey, and share my own personal experiences with fertility. I am so excited and nervous and afraid and happy and anxious. I am not, nor have I ever been concerned with infertility. I know that I have only been trying for 3 months, and I in no way am saying that I feel anything close to what people feel when they deal with infertility. I am simply explaining my experiences and the related emotions with the hope that someone out there going through the same thing won't feel like they're alone.
So, Anonymous User, here is what I have to say to you:
I'm sorry you think I'm being "ridiculous." I have done my research, and I know that I shouldn't expect to get pregnant immediately. Also, thank you for pointing out that I should expand my perspective. I will try to do that. With that said,
Try not to belittle people's experiences.
If you have something negative to say to someone regarding a very personal, emotional, exciting and frightening time, show some gall and leave your email address. I'd at least like to reply to you directly.
Unfortunately, with putting your stuff online for the world to see, it opens you up to the good and the bad responses. Just ignore them and keep doing your thing! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI think you are adorable and I love the idea of sharing this experience on your blog! Can't wait for two weeks to be here ;)
ReplyDeleteWe have been trying for five months and I hate when people say, just relax it will happen. When you decide to have a baby you want to be pregnant like, yesterday! Its really hard to see a negative test even after just a little while. So hang in there :) I'll be rooting for you over here!
ReplyDeleteWhoever made that comment obviously doesn't know or maybe has forgotten all the anticipation that comes with trying and becoming pregnant. It's a roller coaster of emotions. When I was trying and got pregnant with my first, I went through a flurry of emotions and didn't know if that was a "normal" thing or not because I didn't have anyone else's experience to relate to.
ReplyDeleteIt's an exciting time for you! And I bet someday when your baby is way older, he or she can look back and read about your experience and see how much he or she was already wanted and loved!
You are entitled to your own feelings, whether people think they are "ridiculous" or not. Thank you for sharing your journey! Most people wouldn't be so open!
ReplyDeleteI have also heard of a few people who said that trying for a specific gender worked. My mom said it worked with my brother! Whether it worked or was a fluke, we will never know.
I'm already a follower of your lovely blog - just stopping by from the Aloha Affair blog hop.
Amen sister! Sounds like somebody has some issues right? I will surely pray for the anonymous commenter.
ReplyDeleteOn a better note, I'm following you on Bloglovin from the hop! If you would like to check out my blog and follow back you can find me at http://lifeinthesimpleln.com
Keep your chin up! :)
Katie from the simple lane
i think it so lovely that you want to share this experience with us :D followed your blog for a while but stopping by from the aloha affair :D
me too i thonk its lovley to share your story /experience.
ReplyDeletestopping in following from aloha affair
hugs xo
That photo is unbelievably adorable!
ReplyDeleteStopping in from the Aloha Affair and am your newest follower! ;-)
People are jerks and so rude!
ReplyDeleteHello I am new to your blog from the Aloha hop.
I agree with you. You go lady! You should be able to talk about and share whatever it is that crosses your mind. That's the reason for a blog. As someone who's been there with the whole "trying to get pregnant" experience and doing all the stuff that you talk about {tracking ovulation, peeing on sticks} I love to read how others deal with it. So good luck to you and your hubby!! :) New follower from the Aloha Affair :)
ReplyDeleteI invite you to check out a sweet donation event going on at my blog, Cans For Comments. I'm donating items for every comment/new follower. Love to have you!
Happy Friday xo
I think it's awesome that you're sharing this experience. Don't let negative or judgmental comments take away any of your joy. This is a very exciting time for you!
ReplyDeleteFizz and Frosting
I love that you do these stories. I think I am too scared to post something like this. But I would love to, and so it makes me feel more comfortable about posting things on my own blog. =]
ReplyDeletethis is awesome. im glad i came across this.. because we are about to start trying again in a few months...we already have 3...and this is the first time i have had a blog to document. i am not sure what i will do. i did have a few problems getting and staying pregnant my first few pregnancies, so i hate to make anyone feel sad or bummed, but you have every right to document and get excited and nervous, etc.. its your blog =) haha right!? Anyways, thanks for sharing. i'm a new follower from the ALoha hop. hope you can stop by and say hello!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure I believe the old wives tales about how to influence gender, but it's sure fun to read about! I read about everything baby related when I was expecting, both serious and fun. :-) So here's my question for you, if you could choose, would you want a boy or a girl? I always thought I wanted a girl first, but now that I have my little boy I can't imagine having had a girl and LOVE having a boy.
ReplyDeleteI do think you are very brave to talk about your journey like this. Ive been following you since the first post....
ReplyDeleteI don't think I would or could do something like this on my blog because it wouldn't benefit me, and probably just stress me out. Maybe because I have 2 kids already, and find that opinions other people have about pregnancy/babies are a dime a dozen and I dont need more people to listen to.
Sometimes when bloggers get so personal, it sends the message to readers that all of a sudden their opinion is ok-even if it is rude.
One thing you will find true about pregnancy is there will be people who criticize how you plan or if you plan. When you decide to announce it, they will say you announced it too early, or whatever. Then youll be questioned on whether you plan on drugs vs. natural for your birth experience.
Once the baby is born, youll be criticized on your choice to breastfeed or formula. Bed share or not? Spank or not spank?
I know I am jumping years ahead, but just to say...moms are some of the most judgemental people out there. This is your baby and your experience. Enjoy your husband time while you can ;)