Wednesday, January 29, 2014

FAMILY PHOTOSHOOT//new year's 2014

On New Year's Day, we had some family pictures taken, and I'm SO happy with them. The same girl who took these photos did them for us, and she totally captured the little moments and expressions that you don't get if you're posing. When she sent me all of the finished pictures, I knew I'd want hard copies of them, but in what form? I didn't just want a bunch of 4x6 photos in albums taking up space. I'd never look at them. I decided to turn them into a book using Blurb! It should be here soon, and I'll post pictures of how it turned out. In the meantime, if you have a book you've been wanting to make, check out Blurb and get 15% off your first order! Click through the link and it will give you the promo code.

1 comment:

  1. This photos are so precious! Your little man is adorable - he has such style! - and I love how is smiling at you! Too cute.


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