Thursday, September 27, 2012

Calling all Writing Blogs!

Vintage series of Anne of Green Gables, 1-8

Part of my new gig as a blog and media consultant is helping bloggers build their network with similar blogs. If you have a blog about writing, reading, or other book-related topics, leave your link in the comments!

Related topics include:
Book clubs or book discussions
The writing process
Book-making or other paper crafts
Fiction or non-fiction writing

If there's any question about what topics might count, feel free to ask!


  1. Hello! I am new, but have grand visions! I started That's What She Read a couple of months ago and continue to use it as a lifestyle blog but more so, I review the books I read! My future plans include a book club!

  2. Hi Tess. I sometimes write about writing and my desire to one day become a full fledged author. I am attaching a few links to some posts you can check out about the writing process for me.

    From Dream to Screen
    The War of the Passions


Thanks for your comment!