Thursday, April 11, 2013

Sponsor info, and the food I've been eating

Homemade bruschetta, brie bites, and a meatball sub with a Caesar salad. Guess which one I didn't eat. 

I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I decided that I'm going to lower my ad prices. Like, not a sale, but actually lower them. I want the whole networking and sponsoring thing to be easier and more enjoyable for everyone, which means not charging you an arm and a leg (and maybe your firstborn) in exchange for ad space.

Click here for new sponsor information. If any spots are booked, you can reserve them now for May. Ads are approved on the first of the month.


  1. I did a little sponsor feature on you today just so you know :)

    You can check it out here:


  2. I did a little sponsor feature on you today just so you know :)

    You can check it out here:


  3. I don't really like meatball subs, but that one looks delicious! mmmm

  4. All of that food looks sooooooooo good. I didn't breast feed my first child, but I am nursing my second baby and I feel like I need even MORE food than when I was pregnant! Be ready for that.


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