Monday, January 27, 2014


My best girl Elyssa and I had a really motivating aspiring writer's situation going for a while, but got out of habit right around Thanksgiving. Then December was nuts because everyone has family out of town and all the shopping and taking care of sick babies, then Christmas, then New Year's five seconds later. Then a little bit more of those sick babies.

Things are finally cooling down now, and we're excited to get back into the rhythm and start working on something for ourselves again. As gratifying as mothering and housewifing and erranding is, you need something, in our case a creative outlet in the form of writing, to make you feel human and like you have something that makes you interesting.

As obnoxious as I think it is to say "I'm writing a book," (I think everyone in the world is "writing a book"), I'm writing a book. Every once in a while I'll have a burst of blessed fingers and the words will flow. Most of the time, that is not the case (see mothering, housewifing, and erranding). I've been working on getting Henry on a new schedule, and as such, have also been working on refining my own schedule. I've learned to become really productive during naptimes (as you must), and I'm excited to devote some of my time to writing again.

I'm also working on streamlining my errands and chores, but that's a [boring] topic for another day.

1 comment:

  1. Go you! Write the heck outta that book. It doesn't matter how long it takes as long as you put passion on that task:)


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